Topic: 2002
colossians 4:6
let your conversation be ALWAYS full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
*** first - let's get the idea of grace... it's the understanding that i'm a terrible sinner - not deserving of anything from God except His wrath (eternity in hell) - BUT that God in His great love for me, sent His Son, Jesus to die in MY place - that i might have a restored relationship with Him!!! - no wonder we sing "amazing grace"...
### so - how should i be talkin if my conversation's full of grace? well - it won't be selfishly, it won't be self-righteously, it won't be judgmentally.... it will be with a love, joy and understanding born out of the fact that i have received the greatest gift possible and it was something that i in NO WAY deserve... i will be patient and understanding, compassionate and kind.....
ephesians 4:29
do not let ANY unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but ONLY what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Posted by timmy5jack
at 12:01 AM EST