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Friday, 18 January 2002
the difference
Topic: actually 2001
one thing that sets us apart as christians is how we react to difficult, even unfair situations.....

i peter 2:18-25

servants, you must obey your masters and always show respect to them. do this, not only to those who are kind and thoughtful, but also to those who are CRUEL. God will bless you, even if others treat you unfairly for being loyal to him. you don't gain anything by being punished for some wrong you have done. but God will bless you, if you have to suffer for doing something good. after all, God chose you to suffer as you follow in the footsteps of Christ, who set an example by suffering for YOU. Christ did not sin or ever tell a lie. although he was abused, he NEVER tried to get even. and when he suffered, he made NO threats. instead, he had faith in God, who judges fairly. Christ carried the burden of OUR sins. he was nailed to the cross so that we would stop sinning and start living right. by HIS cuts and bruises, YOU are healed. you had wandered away like a sheep. now you have returned to the one who is your shepherd and protector.

Posted by timmy5jack at 12:01 AM EST
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