cracked and worn


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i think gray, cloudy skies are beautiful
more than any picnic in a park
reminiscent of my own life
falling down so suddenly

i cry out to God
i'm overwhelmed
i need a friend
Lord, i know you understand
won't you please just take my hand
it's all crashing down
it came crashing down

the storms they come, they lay me out
lay me out upon my face
i feel i cannot rise another time
i just can't move from this place

lift me up Lord, i've fallen
life can be so hard
lift me up Lord, i need you
i know i'll die here on my own

i cry out to God
he takes my hand
he lifts me up
Praise You, Heavenly Father, the restorer of my soul
you help me every day to take another step
one more step closer to my home

i think gray cloudy skies are beautiful
more than any picnic in a park
reminiscent of my own life
falling down, Lord lift me up