welcome to stupidville
About Steve
About Steve
the ZOO
Teen World
club unroooooooooo
n'sync - censored version
Pottery Page
our basketball fan club
jacks of ALL trades

better late than never...

faster, higher, stronger

This is OUR site to tell you about us and what we care about. In the grand scheme of things, does this really matter to you? NO. But we are going to have a fun time anyhow.......



this site is dedicated to OUR MOMS

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...the links to the left'll fill you in more about our page - we've got info, pictures, dumb stuff and helpful music news - plus a little about how we know each other - teen world - just remember this: we're stupid - but there is a God who is in control of the universe and He wants YOUR LIFE - and that's no joke!

so good, you've gotta see it again

send us money!!

do you hate us cause you're not on our site? click on the shiek to see what happens to people who whine......

"to be a little bit better than the rest - a little more spiritually mature - is that enough? no, it will never do. to be like Jesus, my ultimate goal, ultimate desire - nothing short of that will ever bring pride or satisfaction - for i have not been called to be a follower of men, but a follower of Christ." #5